Marilyn's Musings

Wisdom from my heart to yours…

Archive for the tag “Phase 10”

Time Change Sunday

It was a few years ago that my eldest daughter had been called up for active duty in Afghanistan.  Her unit was leaving on the Sunday when time changed.  Here are my thoughts and feelings on that day.


Time Change Sunday

Spring ahead – lose an hour

Not enough sleep

Spending time together

Not sure when the next opportunity will be.

Be at the base by 6:30 a.m.

No, that has changed

Will send a message

With the new time.

Text says to be there at 14:00

I wonder . . . what if they decided

To leave early

Would you be left behind?

Trip to the base to drop you off

Will be back

To wait with you until

It’s time for you to leave.

But the time has changed

Now it is at 18:00

So we play Phase 10

Good way to pass the time.


Halfway through the game

Time to head to the airport

The busses have arrived

Time for soldiers to board.

Head to the airport

To get some food first

There’s what – a parade??

Through town??


Waiting with anticipation

There they are!

Lights flashing

Motorcycles with flags flying.


Cars, trucks, motorcycles

Riding with lights blinking

To signify the importance

Of this incredibly long train.

This entourage continues

Slowly carrying precious cargo

Our own – on to the next stop

Fulfilling their duty to our country.


Traffic comes to a halt

To honor the troops riding to the airport

My daughter is on that bus

My heart is full, my eyes full of tears.

Busses, bikes, cars

File into the airport

Overtaken by family and friends

It’s just us and our soldiers.


Families standing together

Couples holding each other

Smiles, tears, laughter, silence

Today is time change, for sure.


The plane arrives

A long time coming, and yet…

Did it have to come so soon?

Shouldn’t it be an hour later?

The troops line up

Ready to make the final trip

Up the ramp – ready to leave

Today our time has changed.


What does the future hold?

What changes in the lives

Of each of these soldiers

Lord God, You know.

Thank You that our times

Are in Your hands

You are the One Who makes

All things new.



Thank You that on this day

We can trust You

With every time change

In the lives of our soldiers.

                    -Marilyn Hodgin, March 23, 2010


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